That's an attention getter, eh? It's also the name of the latest book I've picked up on Naked on the Internet is a new book by Audacia Ray that examines female sexuality and the internet. I think it'll be a dreamy read. For those of you interested in this sort of thing, I highly recommend picking up this book. For everyone else, I'll let you know how it was after I finish reading it.
Thanks to Violet Blue for keepin all of us sexy people informed.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
i'm looking for something in purple...
Isn't it about time for a new vibrator? I thought so. We're heading over to Eden Fantasys (their spelling, not mine) right now to check out the selection.
Eden Fantasys is located in what might be the most fantabulously done treehouse in all of Second Life. Without a doubt the best treehouse I've seen. Not sure how sex toys end up in a treehouse, but we all did things as children that perhaps we shouldn't have so maybe a treehouse is a perfectly appropriate spot for some sexual experimentation. Who am I to say.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Sex toys. We need them.
Eden Fantasys has a WIDE variety of sex toys to choose from, but here's the twist. Not only can you buy genitalia, sexual equipment and poses for your avatar.. you can ALSO buy sex toys for your lovely physical self at their website. Now, here's where I'm going to say that I usually detest the marketing schemes of people directing people to out of world sales for your 'physical' self. To me Second Life is all about escaping the real world and anytime I'm linked back to a real website for a 'real' sale, I get irritated. It's disturbing to me to be jostled out of my virtual utopia and told that I should buy something in the physical world. Don't like it - not one little bit. If we're in a virtual environment, keep it here.
That being said.. Eden Fantasys is one place that's got it right. In the treehouse you're shown a myriad of sexual aids all created with prims: dildos, vibrators, etc. If you click on any of these, you are magically transported to the treehouse 'branch' that has these items for sale and you're presented with high-quality photos of each item. If you click on the item, you'll see it enlarged and then be asked if you'd like to be taken to the website where you can purchase it. As a girl who has shopped for her share of sex toys, I gotta say.. that I kind of dig this way of shopping. It's a bit more personal than the website, and I honestly wouldn't mind shopping for some real sex toys this way. Nice job you guys, nice job.
If you're shopping for that special penis or pussy for your avatar, they've got that covered to. Click on your sexual part of choice and be taken to a tree branch and surrounded by sculptured models wearing the parts you've chosen. Talk about a kid in a candy shop!
I think this place is beautifully done. The only issue I have is the spelling mistakes in the name and in their notecards, but .. I'm overly picky about stuff like that. When you're horny and shopping for sex toys, sometimes spelling properly isn't that important.
So if you need a new vibrator, dildo, or anything else sexual for you OR your avatar, come check out Eden Fantasys - you'll thank me later after you're done screaming my name.
Eden Fantasys is located in what might be the most fantabulously done treehouse in all of Second Life. Without a doubt the best treehouse I've seen. Not sure how sex toys end up in a treehouse, but we all did things as children that perhaps we shouldn't have so maybe a treehouse is a perfectly appropriate spot for some sexual experimentation. Who am I to say.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Sex toys. We need them.
Eden Fantasys has a WIDE variety of sex toys to choose from, but here's the twist. Not only can you buy genitalia, sexual equipment and poses for your avatar.. you can ALSO buy sex toys for your lovely physical self at their website. Now, here's where I'm going to say that I usually detest the marketing schemes of people directing people to out of world sales for your 'physical' self. To me Second Life is all about escaping the real world and anytime I'm linked back to a real website for a 'real' sale, I get irritated. It's disturbing to me to be jostled out of my virtual utopia and told that I should buy something in the physical world. Don't like it - not one little bit. If we're in a virtual environment, keep it here.
That being said.. Eden Fantasys is one place that's got it right. In the treehouse you're shown a myriad of sexual aids all created with prims: dildos, vibrators, etc. If you click on any of these, you are magically transported to the treehouse 'branch' that has these items for sale and you're presented with high-quality photos of each item. If you click on the item, you'll see it enlarged and then be asked if you'd like to be taken to the website where you can purchase it. As a girl who has shopped for her share of sex toys, I gotta say.. that I kind of dig this way of shopping. It's a bit more personal than the website, and I honestly wouldn't mind shopping for some real sex toys this way. Nice job you guys, nice job.
If you're shopping for that special penis or pussy for your avatar, they've got that covered to. Click on your sexual part of choice and be taken to a tree branch and surrounded by sculptured models wearing the parts you've chosen. Talk about a kid in a candy shop!
I think this place is beautifully done. The only issue I have is the spelling mistakes in the name and in their notecards, but .. I'm overly picky about stuff like that. When you're horny and shopping for sex toys, sometimes spelling properly isn't that important.
So if you need a new vibrator, dildo, or anything else sexual for you OR your avatar, come check out Eden Fantasys - you'll thank me later after you're done screaming my name.
Monday, June 25, 2007
oh yes.. the bunny suit is mine
Well my lovelies, you're looking at the newest bunny on the scene. Playboy offered me the bunny suit today and there was no way I was turning that down.
I'll be working some evenings during the week between 4-6PM SL at the Playboy sim. If you're around and want to say hi.. that's when I'll be there. Probably a bit more on the weekends as time permits.
Thanks, Playboy.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sexstination #6 - Hedonism
On a tip from a friend, I went to visit Hedonism today. She suggested that I check out the Tiki Lounge there, but I found myself wandering around the entire sim to see everything.
When you arrive at Hedonism, the Tiki Lounge is directly in front of you and up a ramp to an elevated platform. The huge Tiki in front will guide your way so just go where he tells you. The Tiki Lounge is a large dance club and my friend informed me that it's often quite naughty, but I must say that on my visit, everyone was very calm and clothed. I must say I was a bit disappointed, but didn't let that stop me from enjoying myself a bit. There are also spiral ramps in the back of the club that lead you to a loft overlooking the dance floor and there are some 'casino' related games up there so if you're into that.. have at it. I loved the Tiki Lounge most for its tropical atmosphere. It's truly well done and does make you feel like some thought was put into the design, and hey isn't that refreshing.
After my little dancing moment at the Tiki Lounge, I was off to explore the rest of the island. A large (and I mean large) portion of Hedonism is dedicated to all of your sexy shopping needs. There are clothes, shapes, skins, animations, tattoos, and lots of other things included genitalia if you've just met that special someone and have no parts to make your first sexual encounter all it could be.
On the other side of the island, there's a fantastic beach area with a large campfire and lots of beach/lounge chairs. There are also some 'camping' spots, so if you need to make some cash you can do that here, and be surrounded by sexy people all at the same time! I also noticed a large 'Help Wanted" sign there, so if you're a DJ, hostess, dancer or poker dealer (who knew), you can get a real job here and stop wasting your time on that camping towel.
I must say that up to this point, I was feeling a smidgey bit sad that I really didn't see any places to get it on. In a place called 'Hedonism', a girl would think you'd at least be able to throw down with someone if the mood struck you. Then I walked down the beach a bit and breathed a sign of relief as I passed into a fenced area. Here we had a huge hot tub (although the 3-way poseball set in there is deceiving - it's just a snuggling pose), several sex poseball sets scattered a polite distance from each other and designated by a little cute, floaty, double-heart icon near them, and my favorite: the gazebo area with the cunnlingus poseball set in the center and a bunch of 'watch' poseballs around it in a circle. For those of us who enjoy being watched, I gotta say... bit of a turn-on. I did try it out, but when it's just you it's somehow not quite the same.
So my discovery of this area at Hedonsim restored my faith in the sexy. With a great dance club, tons of shopping, a fantastic beach, and sexy sexy spots.. Hedonism is worth a visit. Try out the cunnilingus poseballs - you never know who might be watching.
When you arrive at Hedonism, the Tiki Lounge is directly in front of you and up a ramp to an elevated platform. The huge Tiki in front will guide your way so just go where he tells you. The Tiki Lounge is a large dance club and my friend informed me that it's often quite naughty, but I must say that on my visit, everyone was very calm and clothed. I must say I was a bit disappointed, but didn't let that stop me from enjoying myself a bit. There are also spiral ramps in the back of the club that lead you to a loft overlooking the dance floor and there are some 'casino' related games up there so if you're into that.. have at it. I loved the Tiki Lounge most for its tropical atmosphere. It's truly well done and does make you feel like some thought was put into the design, and hey isn't that refreshing.
After my little dancing moment at the Tiki Lounge, I was off to explore the rest of the island. A large (and I mean large) portion of Hedonism is dedicated to all of your sexy shopping needs. There are clothes, shapes, skins, animations, tattoos, and lots of other things included genitalia if you've just met that special someone and have no parts to make your first sexual encounter all it could be.
On the other side of the island, there's a fantastic beach area with a large campfire and lots of beach/lounge chairs. There are also some 'camping' spots, so if you need to make some cash you can do that here, and be surrounded by sexy people all at the same time! I also noticed a large 'Help Wanted" sign there, so if you're a DJ, hostess, dancer or poker dealer (who knew), you can get a real job here and stop wasting your time on that camping towel.
I must say that up to this point, I was feeling a smidgey bit sad that I really didn't see any places to get it on. In a place called 'Hedonism', a girl would think you'd at least be able to throw down with someone if the mood struck you. Then I walked down the beach a bit and breathed a sign of relief as I passed into a fenced area. Here we had a huge hot tub (although the 3-way poseball set in there is deceiving - it's just a snuggling pose), several sex poseball sets scattered a polite distance from each other and designated by a little cute, floaty, double-heart icon near them, and my favorite: the gazebo area with the cunnlingus poseball set in the center and a bunch of 'watch' poseballs around it in a circle. For those of us who enjoy being watched, I gotta say... bit of a turn-on. I did try it out, but when it's just you it's somehow not quite the same.
So my discovery of this area at Hedonsim restored my faith in the sexy. With a great dance club, tons of shopping, a fantastic beach, and sexy sexy spots.. Hedonism is worth a visit. Try out the cunnilingus poseballs - you never know who might be watching.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sexstination #5 - Sensual Elements
Sex spot of choice today - Sensual Elements in the GOL Project.
When you teleport to Sensual Elements, you arrive on a lovely wooden deck area in a wooded setting. To your right you'll notice some posted rules, one of which was 'No pictures". I considered trying to get around that by using the argument that they aren't actually 'pictures', but 'snapshots', but decided to obey the rules for once. I must say though, pictures would have been nice because it truly is a very picturesque setting and it would have been nice to let you all see it. I guess you'll just have to go visit yourselves.
There's a teleport on the right side of the wooden decking that takes you to the 'camping' area. Being the naive, foolish girl that I am.. in this wooden setting, for just an instant I thought that perhaps there actually *was* a campground with some facinatingly sexual undertones. Those pup tents can get pretty hot sometimes. But, alas, they actually meant 'camping' in SL terms. Being the curious sort, I teleported up to the camping area and was terribly disappointed. A large platform in the sky, not disguised as anything else, with a large sign and dozens of people perched on the sign, or standing around waiting for a coveted spot SITTING on the sign to make a whopping few lindens every 15 minutes. Maybe this is just me, but if you're running a sex-related sim empire, toss in some free sex poseball sets and make people earn their money in the camping area. At least then those of us waiting for our turn would be somewhat entertained.
The Sensual Elements "Club" area is just down the wooden walkway from where we arrived. The club has a board outside with all of the events for the day posted on it. There were quite a few listed for today including a Catsuit Leather Dance Party! Meeee-YOW! The club features a very large dance floor with dance cages, a bar, and a DJ setup/stage area. One side of the club features live, nude dancers looking for some tips, so if you visit, give it up for the girls. If you're looking for an escort to make your time in Second Life all that you've dreamed it could be, this is a great spot to find one as they've dedicated an entire room to photo after photo of escorts available to make all of your dreams come true.
Not far from the club is another large building called the "Elements Lounge" and for all of you sexual entrepreneurs just looking to make your mark, this building is for SALE! I must say, I was relatively impressed with the inside. Very colorful, fun and fairly well done. It could be nice and has potential. Check it out.
The GOL Project doesn't neglect those of you looking for a shopping fix, either.. oh no my friend. There are many shops too including one of my favorites.. Nocturnal Threads. I think I like that one so much because it always makes me think of sheets after someone has a wet dream. Not to mention, their clothes are crazy, funky, fun. Dig them. Another item of note in the shopping area.. the prim pussy with tintable pubic hair for only L$199! What a DEAL!
If you end up loving GOL so much that you never want to leave, you are in LUCK! With an entire residential area featuring private homes renting for around L$3000/week for between 800-1200 prims, you can truly *live* in GOL and enjoy all they have to offer.
When you teleport to Sensual Elements, you arrive on a lovely wooden deck area in a wooded setting. To your right you'll notice some posted rules, one of which was 'No pictures". I considered trying to get around that by using the argument that they aren't actually 'pictures', but 'snapshots', but decided to obey the rules for once. I must say though, pictures would have been nice because it truly is a very picturesque setting and it would have been nice to let you all see it. I guess you'll just have to go visit yourselves.
There's a teleport on the right side of the wooden decking that takes you to the 'camping' area. Being the naive, foolish girl that I am.. in this wooden setting, for just an instant I thought that perhaps there actually *was* a campground with some facinatingly sexual undertones. Those pup tents can get pretty hot sometimes. But, alas, they actually meant 'camping' in SL terms. Being the curious sort, I teleported up to the camping area and was terribly disappointed. A large platform in the sky, not disguised as anything else, with a large sign and dozens of people perched on the sign, or standing around waiting for a coveted spot SITTING on the sign to make a whopping few lindens every 15 minutes. Maybe this is just me, but if you're running a sex-related sim empire, toss in some free sex poseball sets and make people earn their money in the camping area. At least then those of us waiting for our turn would be somewhat entertained.
The Sensual Elements "Club" area is just down the wooden walkway from where we arrived. The club has a board outside with all of the events for the day posted on it. There were quite a few listed for today including a Catsuit Leather Dance Party! Meeee-YOW! The club features a very large dance floor with dance cages, a bar, and a DJ setup/stage area. One side of the club features live, nude dancers looking for some tips, so if you visit, give it up for the girls. If you're looking for an escort to make your time in Second Life all that you've dreamed it could be, this is a great spot to find one as they've dedicated an entire room to photo after photo of escorts available to make all of your dreams come true.
Not far from the club is another large building called the "Elements Lounge" and for all of you sexual entrepreneurs just looking to make your mark, this building is for SALE! I must say, I was relatively impressed with the inside. Very colorful, fun and fairly well done. It could be nice and has potential. Check it out.
The GOL Project doesn't neglect those of you looking for a shopping fix, either.. oh no my friend. There are many shops too including one of my favorites.. Nocturnal Threads. I think I like that one so much because it always makes me think of sheets after someone has a wet dream. Not to mention, their clothes are crazy, funky, fun. Dig them. Another item of note in the shopping area.. the prim pussy with tintable pubic hair for only L$199! What a DEAL!
If you end up loving GOL so much that you never want to leave, you are in LUCK! With an entire residential area featuring private homes renting for around L$3000/week for between 800-1200 prims, you can truly *live* in GOL and enjoy all they have to offer.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
sex and coffee
I started out my evening by relaxing at the Open Latte Coffee Shop in the sim of Mill Pond and was quickly intrigued by a conversation that was started among a group of people there.
We began discussing sex and Second Life, and opinions on said topic varied from 'it's silly' to others feeling that it's possible to truly find a love online and commit to a monogamous, long-term relationship. I think that's part of what's interesting, so many people with so many different opinions, experiences, and preconceived notions of what sex should or could be in a virtual environment, and what constitutes an 'affair' or 'cheating' online.
The coffee shop discussion today focused around one woman in particular who was sharing her experiences with us. A happily married 30-something in the 'real' world, she'd been involved with someone in SL and had her heart broken. Her online relationship was with a well-known person with many friends, and when the relationship ended, she lost not only her love, but a large number of friends as well, and in a virtual world with over one million residents that log in regularly... she felt alone. After wandering around aimlessly for a bit, she found herself in a roleplaying sim considering work in a sex club there.
This particular woman said that she never felt guilt about her online relationship, and that she never once considered it to be cheating. I know that many people have discussed this and there are a lot of varied opinions on what exactly constitutes 'cheating', and I'm of the firm belief that that's a personal decision and opinion between you and your partner.
This poses a lot of questions not only in the virtual world, but the real world as well. What sorts of things would cause someone who is happily married in RL to become involved with someone online? Is it the relative 'safety' of online communities that allow experimentation without the risk of getting caught? And how, or why, in a world as large as Second Life, would someone feel alone.
What do you think? Let's hear it.
We began discussing sex and Second Life, and opinions on said topic varied from 'it's silly' to others feeling that it's possible to truly find a love online and commit to a monogamous, long-term relationship. I think that's part of what's interesting, so many people with so many different opinions, experiences, and preconceived notions of what sex should or could be in a virtual environment, and what constitutes an 'affair' or 'cheating' online.
The coffee shop discussion today focused around one woman in particular who was sharing her experiences with us. A happily married 30-something in the 'real' world, she'd been involved with someone in SL and had her heart broken. Her online relationship was with a well-known person with many friends, and when the relationship ended, she lost not only her love, but a large number of friends as well, and in a virtual world with over one million residents that log in regularly... she felt alone. After wandering around aimlessly for a bit, she found herself in a roleplaying sim considering work in a sex club there.
This particular woman said that she never felt guilt about her online relationship, and that she never once considered it to be cheating. I know that many people have discussed this and there are a lot of varied opinions on what exactly constitutes 'cheating', and I'm of the firm belief that that's a personal decision and opinion between you and your partner.
This poses a lot of questions not only in the virtual world, but the real world as well. What sorts of things would cause someone who is happily married in RL to become involved with someone online? Is it the relative 'safety' of online communities that allow experimentation without the risk of getting caught? And how, or why, in a world as large as Second Life, would someone feel alone.
What do you think? Let's hear it.
Friday, June 15, 2007
the interview - playboy bunny

I had my interview today for the 'Playboy Bunny" position, just a few hours ago in fact. It was a very surreal experience, and I was more nervous than I typically am for a job in the 'real' world! It was crazy!
I want to be a Bunny. I WANT IT. Oh my gosh if I don't get this, I will be so disappointed.
Basically they had us submit a resume and then we stood in a poseball looking f'ing cute as hell while they asked us some questions about ourselves and Playboy and what we thought the position meant. Then they told us we'd hear from them if they were interested.
Oh GOD let them be interested.
topic for sexcussion: playboy sim
The Playboy sim has opened in Second Life. After reading this posting, I must say that my little heart is all aflutter over the small chance that I, Pixel Bailey, might have a shot at being a 'Bunny'. I was hoping that when I heard about this opening there would be a chance to be a ' Bunny' but I honestly pushed that thought from my mind to eliminate any chance of disappointment. But now, oh joyous world, it looks as though this girl might have a chance to live her dream.
If there is a God in this world, I will be a Bunny.
If there is a God in this world, I will be a Bunny.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sexstination #4 - Dark Delights
This exploration certainly did turn out to be unexpected. After searching for some 'animal' sex areas of Second Life, I ended up at Dark Delights.
This spot of sexual shopping delights offers a little bit of everything, but tends toward the more 'extreme' things that are a bit 'off the beaten path'.
Want to be a centaur and have sex with your partner? This is your spot. Always fantastized about having sex with a great dane? You can buy him here. Does it make you wet to think about being overtaken by a 3-headed dog with glowing, evil eyes? Then grab a towel and head on over to Dark Delights.
If the 'animal' thing isn't quite your thing, there's also an entire area dedicated to 'bathroom' play including a shower, toilet, and sink area. In the 'watersports' area, you can also buy a pee bowl and pee helmet as well.
If you're just not able to find that 'special' someone.. be they with 2 or 4 legs, you can also grab the next best thing here... a real doll.
This spot of sexual shopping delights offers a little bit of everything, but tends toward the more 'extreme' things that are a bit 'off the beaten path'.
Want to be a centaur and have sex with your partner? This is your spot. Always fantastized about having sex with a great dane? You can buy him here. Does it make you wet to think about being overtaken by a 3-headed dog with glowing, evil eyes? Then grab a towel and head on over to Dark Delights.
If the 'animal' thing isn't quite your thing, there's also an entire area dedicated to 'bathroom' play including a shower, toilet, and sink area. In the 'watersports' area, you can also buy a pee bowl and pee helmet as well.
If you're just not able to find that 'special' someone.. be they with 2 or 4 legs, you can also grab the next best thing here... a real doll.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Sextination # 3 - The Girl's Detention Center
Last night a friend took me to visit a roleplay area in Second Life called the Girls Detention Center. I'll have to update with some photos when I'm in a position to upload them.
Although it wasn't the most beautiful of builds, I do have to say that it accomplished what I'm fairly sure the intention was. There were several people there that really seemed to be playing the part including teachers and guards. I was a smidge bit confused with the teachers though, because I don't normally think of teachers being in a detention center. Guards yes.. teachers? Not so much.
The detention center had many rooms including a doctor's office, warden's office, auditorium (which was really a gymnasium), pool, a few cells, a shower room, and a couple of 'hey look at all these neat sex poses we have!!' rooms. Which, I must say, did have some pretty fantastic poseball sets that I haven't seen anywhere else.
My only disappointment here is that if you're really trying to get into a role-playing scenario, there are people around that are only more than happy to JUMP IN on the action and kind of spoil the whole fantasy thing you've got going on. (stupid boys)
On a better note, it does seem that 'the regulars' here are more than open to just allowing people to role-play as they wish without rules or interruptions, which is nice.
It's worth checking out, even if you're not into that kind of thing. I'll post some pics and directions when I get a chance.
smacks -
Although it wasn't the most beautiful of builds, I do have to say that it accomplished what I'm fairly sure the intention was. There were several people there that really seemed to be playing the part including teachers and guards. I was a smidge bit confused with the teachers though, because I don't normally think of teachers being in a detention center. Guards yes.. teachers? Not so much.
The detention center had many rooms including a doctor's office, warden's office, auditorium (which was really a gymnasium), pool, a few cells, a shower room, and a couple of 'hey look at all these neat sex poses we have!!' rooms. Which, I must say, did have some pretty fantastic poseball sets that I haven't seen anywhere else.
My only disappointment here is that if you're really trying to get into a role-playing scenario, there are people around that are only more than happy to JUMP IN on the action and kind of spoil the whole fantasy thing you've got going on. (stupid boys)
On a better note, it does seem that 'the regulars' here are more than open to just allowing people to role-play as they wish without rules or interruptions, which is nice.
It's worth checking out, even if you're not into that kind of thing. I'll post some pics and directions when I get a chance.
smacks -
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